For those of you who are seeing a clinician utilizing eeg/neurofeedback (NFB) training for targeting ADD and ADHD symptoms realize it takes several visits, oftentimes 30 or more, to see significant gains in brainwave focus. With appointments running $75 per session and higher, our customers are incorporating the DAVID Alert Pro mind machine into their NFB training. Most use their Alert Pro as an adjunctive modality at home to the NFB training they are receiving. Results indicate that this method increases their ability to achieve the desired brainwave state more easily, which in turn leads to better, more productive NFB training sessions.
ADD and ADHD affect people of all ages. Many struggle with other issues like depression, insomnia, anxiety and drug abuse. The DAVID Alert Pro by Mind Alive has specific sessions designed for left hemispheric, right hemispheric and whole brain stimulation. These sessions gently guide your brainwaves to a specific brainwave state, editing and reinforcing your neuropathways through pulsed light, sound and cranial-electro-stimulation, with session’s end leaving you relaxed, refreshed and internally invigorated.
The DAVID Alert Pro comes complete with: Tru-Vu OmniscreenTM Eyesets and Carry Case, high-quality stereo headphones, stereo patch cord, CES earclip Stim cable, 9v battery, ac adapter, comprehensive owners manual with Symptom Survey Checklist, HRV ready, and Mind States 2 pdf download.