Are Light & Sound Instruments For Everyone? continued
Light and sound instruments give you the ability to control your mental states. Because each person has their own psychological makeup, no one can guarantee you will experience positive feelings after every session. Using light and sound is a personal choice, and the better informed you are, the better experience you will have.
Before ending this discussion concerning the possibility of adverse effects, I feel it is important to address one issue that a majority of my clients and associates have, at one time or another, asked about. If you consume alcohol or drugs (legal or otherwise) before experiencing a light and sound session, many researchers contend that you will automatically have a brain seizure. This is not true. Chances are you will, but it is not automatic. After twenty-one years of sponsoring light and sound programs, not once has there been an adverse reaction to light and sound from any of the participants in these programs. Many were on prescribed medications, while others were confronting their drug or alcohol dependency. Others combined alcohol with light and sound during social gatherings and I repeat, not once did anyone experience any adverse effects.
Here is one example, in a social setting, where individuals consumed alcohol prior to experiencing light and sound. A few years back, representatives of a major international music company asked for my assistance at a party they were having to publicize a new rock group. It was held at a very respectable nightclub on Santa Monica Boulevard. The news media was well represented at this function.
During the course of the festivities, I performed over seventy light and sound sessions on curious individuals who wanted to experience what light and sound was all about. I can not and will not say drugs of any kind were used by any of the attendees. I can say alcohol was consumed. The majority of those experiencing light and sound sessions did indulge. In a way it was almost comical. I asked each person before setting them up on light and sound if they were under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. Of course they all answered no, even with red eyes and silly grins that told me otherwise. Now if I believed everything that has been written about this combination, I never would have agreed to hook anyone up. But no one suffered any adverse effects unless you term having a great time adverse.
Copyright: Michael J. Landgraf &, Granada Hills, CA. / November, 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied or duplicated without prior written approval by Michael Landgraf.
Published by Little Minnie’s Publishing House. ISBN 10: 0966259602. ISBN 13: 978-0966259605. All inquiries pertaining to this book should contact