How Are Frequencies Associated With Brainwaves?
Alpha brainwaves are a frequency pattern ranging from eight to twelve hertz. They most commonly occur when we are calm and relaxed, yet mentally alert. These brainwaves are also present during daydreaming.
Theta brainwaves range from four to seven hertz, characterized by being deeply relaxed and inwardly focused. This brainwave state is also associated with rapid learning and the assimilation of new information with high retention, heightened motivation to activate goals, bursts of creativity, insight and new behavior patterns.
Delta brainwaves range from five-tenths to three hertz and are associated with being extremely relaxed, characterized by sleep.
Researchers have proven that brainwave frequencies determine what brainwave state is being experienced at any given time (Budzynski 1991). By measuring the production of brain-waves through the utilization of EEG (electroencephalogram) equipment, the frequencies that produce these various brain states can be tracked on a computer monitor. As mentioned earlier, these frequencies are generated in every person’s brain, and are the result of outside stimulation that has been passed to the brain via electrical signals from our different senses. Light and sound instruments stimulate the neural activity of our vision and hearing, and can safely guide our minds to produce specific frequencies that are associated with the four general brainwave categories (Hutchison 1992).
Copyright: Michael J. Landgraf &, Granada Hills, CA. / November, 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied or duplicated without prior written approval by Michael Landgraf.
Published by Little Minnie’s Publishing House. ISBN 10: 0966259602. ISBN 13: 978-0966259605. All inquiries pertaining to this book should contact