AVS Journal – Premier Issue


Quality Light


by Jeff Labno


It is useful to think of quality light pertaining to Audio Visual Stimulation (AVS) in two ways.

The first is the waveform(s) present; while the second is the brightness factor. Waveforms of light are expressed in light frequencies called nanometers. For example, red is expressed as 660 nanometer (plus or minus). White light is expressed as a compendium of all the visible light frequencies which include red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.

Manufacturers of light and sound machines typically use incandescent bulbs or LEDs (lightemitting diodes). Incandescent bulbs are what most people use in their homes. While they appear to be white, they in fact contain a higher presence of yellow, and the warmer colors such as red and orange are diminished in presence.

John Ott pointed out that house-hold use of incandescent light was cuasing seasonally-related problems in northern latitudes of the northern hemisphere and in southerly latitudes of the southern hemisphere during their winter months. He urged the use of fuller spectrum light which matched more closely the spectrum of visible light radiated by the Sun.

Our Sun radiates a broad spectrum of electro-magnetic radiation of which a small percentage manifests as visible light. Even the radiation from our Sun is incomplete as anomalies in space absorb specific light frequencies radiated by the Sun eclipsing them from ever reaching the Earth (Frauenhofer Lines).

Full spectrum light is man’s best attempt to replicate the visible spectrum from our Sun. A noble challenge for our industry is to somehow find a fuller-spectrum light to mount on light glasses.

Colored LEDs typically emit a narrow band of light frequencies which means that the colors are bright and pure. This is called monochromatic light. The band frequencies of light you mix together, the greyer or duller the colors become.

Brightness. The next issue of light quality is the brightness factor. The brighter the light, the more interesting the colors and patterns your brain creates in response. Dim lights create a “flickering effect”. Brighter light generates a vivid display of colors and patterns which dazzle the imagination. Dim light machines generally end up in the closet, while bright light units are used over and over again.

Many early manufacturers of AVS machines had no choice as to quality of LEDs and therefore used dim lights. LED technology has changed tremendously such that super bright LEDs are now available in most colors including white.

Super bright LEDs mean that the light show you see with your eyes closed is spectacular. Also, mental acquity is significantly increased with brighter light. Have you ever tried to read a book via candle light versus turning on the standard lights in your room? There is a big difference.

Over fifteen years ago, would-be inventors brought me quite a number of versions of light and sound machines they created in their garages. They used LEDs of many colors and combinations of colors. Most of them were boring because the light show was not of any quality.

When ultra-bright blue light became available in light glasses, the results were stunning. Ultrabright blue LEDs puts the average person right out. Blue light never ever did that. Ultra-bright yellow light produce yet other stunning results; the intellect process is expedited.

The use of color, however, is quite enigmatic. Medical research shows that the warmer colors such as red are more excitatory (energizing), where as the use of cooler colors such as blue are inhibitory (calming).

Color perception however is filtered through societal programming and also through personal psychological experiences.

In the United States we have different societal significances of colors than say people do in China. In the United States, white is worn at weddings; in China, white is worn at funerals. In the United States, traffic signals program people to respond to colorations of red signifying stop, green go and yellow caution.

Psychological impact of color is yet another filter we all experience. Green, for example, is often associated with healing. What if, when you were growing up, green was the color of your room and you had a troubled childhood?

The physiology of color is filtered through societal mores and psychological experiences making it impossible to predict or attempt to understand its impact on any given individual.

When selecting color of light glasses, it is best therefore to give the public a choice. People on their own cognition seem to gravitate towards particular colors. A “pro-choice” selection of light color in light glasses is a superior way to go. Some people like a variety of available colors to suit their mood.

“Eyes-open” color therapy is yet another great thing to try. Many people are using their machines with their eyes open because they find a specific color has a more powerful effect. Try red even for five minutes to help you get motivated for exercise. Turn the light intensity down so your eyes are comfortable.

“Eyes-open” light glasses are now available. The lenses in the glasses are clear, allowing you to see through them. The placement of the lights are further apart and not in the center giving you the ability to clearly see through them.

You can accelerate your mental acquity by using them while doing work. Adjust the light intensity to be comfortable. Put your machine in manual mode so you can adjust the light frequency. Try editing copy while in beta (13+ cycles per second [c/s]). Try creative writing while in alpha (8-12c/s). Try doing art or playing an instrument while in theta (5-7 c/s).

Light intensity is a very important part of one’s experience. Make sure that your eyes are always very comfortable. When hooking up beginners, show them how to adjust the light intensity at any time during their session. Too many times, beginners take off the glasses within just a few minutes saying they did not like it; the light intensity was too bright. There are some people who can only enjoy it when the intensity is about 2-5%.

Color therapy. You can create your own therapy device using your light and sound machine. Purchase white glasses for your machine. Then you can place color filter gels over them. Here’s how:

Put your white light glasses on top of a desk with the light shining towards you. Take a color filter gel and lean it against the light glasses so the light shines through the filter. Use your machine in manual operation so you can change the frequency.

Set the frequency at any rate you wish. Many professionals allow the patient to set the frequency based on how it makes them feel. Then, meditate on the light with your eyes open.

The best quality color filters come from professional photographic supply companies. They publish the nanometers of each color filter. I have a set of 120 different colors. Purer colors are the best, monochromatic. They are called color filter gels.

Enhancing the light show. One of the best ways to enhance the light show is to do eye exercises at the beginning of each session. Rotate your eyes clockwise, then move them up and down, and finally left and right. This sensitizes the photoreceptors in the retina and the colors and patterns you see will take on more dimension and richness. Also, this will relax your eyes so you can enjoy the session even more.

Enjoy the light!


Copyright AVS Journal / Michael Landgraf, Publisher and Jeff Labno, Author. All rights reserved.