The Light and Sound Dictionary… continued


CES (Cranio-electrical Stimulation) was developed in the Soviet Union in the late 1940s and has since been used by millions of people all over the world. Research demonstrates that CES produces a mild stimulation in the hypothalamic area of the brain, resulting in balancing neuro-transmitter activity (in particular Beta Endorphin and Norepinephrine). The effects achieved are similar to that of a “jogger’s high”.

Chakra frequencies are associated with our inner power, referred to in eastern religions as the kundalini. These frequencies can activate certain centers along the base of the spine upwards to the brain. These frequencies are not the natural sounds associated with the activation of chakras, but do an excellent imitation, resulting in very beautiful and powerful experiences.

Chords are combinations of tones that (hopefully) sound harmonious. Harmony occurs when the fundamental pitches of the tones are in ratios of small integers, such as 2/1 (octave), 5/3 (sixth), 3/2 (fifth), 4/3 (major third), or 6/5 (minor third). Most people hear tones closer than a minor third as dissonant. When tones get still closer in frequency, beats occur.

Common Ground Polarity Adapters will work with all 6 volt avs instruments, including most Mind Alive, Mindplace and MindGear units. These adapters are approximately 12 inches in length and easily connect between your lightframes and unit. If you own more than one l/s unit and want to use lightframes from one unit with another, only to find that they won’t flash, then Polarity Adapters are for you. If you have one of the following l/s instruments: InnerQuest IQ 1, 2, 3 and Jr. models, MindGear (all 6v models), and want to use lightframes from: Mind Alive (DAVID / all 6v models), InnerQuest IQ Tutor and 9110, Mindplace (all models), and Zygon MindQuest, then choose this polarity adapter. Common Power to Common Ground.

Common Power will work with all 6 volt avs instruments, including most Mind Alive, Mindplace and MindGear units. These adapters are approximately 12 inches in length and easily connect between your lightframes and unit. If you have one of the following l/s instruments: Mind Alive (DAVID / all 6v models), InnerQuest IQ Tutor and 9110, Mindplace (all 6v mod-els), and Zygon MindQuest, and want to use lightframes from: InnerQuest IQ 1, 2, 3 and Jr. models, MindGear (all 6v models), then choose this polarity adapter. Common Ground to Com-mon Power.

Copyright: Michael J. Landgraf &, Granada Hills, CA. / November, 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied or duplicated without prior written approval by Michael Landgraf.

Published by Little Minnie’s Publishing House. ISBN 10: 0966259602. ISBN 13: 978-0966259605. All inquiries pertaining to this book should contact